Stanley W Safford 39539976
Auxiliary Surgical Group
Sam Houston
March 6, 1944
Dear Mother:

I received your Air Mail telling of Grandma’s death[1]
and it really was no great surprise to me, in fact when the letter came I
almost suspected what it was. She has
certainly lasted a long time and her long life has seen a lot of things and she
has stood a lot. There are not many of
her pioneer kind left.
Well we started our double training
program this week and it is a huge job if you ask me my opinion, and then today
the bomb shell broke in our midst. They
are taking twenty-five officers away from us which will cut our figure down
quite a bit, in fact to the place where we will no longer have enough officers
to carry on a full program. It looks to
me we’ll be here for some time to come.
It all goes to prove just what I said “They had no other place for them when they sent them here”. They
are now ready to use them elsewhere so off they go.
They are still pipe dreaming the
bivouac to Galveston and from the looks of things we are really going to be
going, whether we fly or ride I do not know.
Say the code I think we should try out should be put into use very
soon. The way you can tell the letters
with such are, when the date is the regular way there will be none, but when it
is the army way (6 March 1944) there will be a note contained in the next to
the last paragraph by putting the first letter of each word following the name
of a person, including the first letter of the name. Do you think it will work?
Well again I have had, while here in
the office writing, visitors. They are
nice fellows but when w get to talking the time flies by quite rapidly and I
get nothing done.
So my evening is about done for and I
am quite tired, so will go to bed for some rest.
My Income Tax papers will be on their
way very soon and you can take care of them for me.
All my love,
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