Stanley W Safford 39539976
Auxiliary Surgical Group
Sam Houston
10, 1944
am writing you from the tent where I sleep, an the surrounding here are much
different than they would be at the office.
would rather come down here with the fire going in here than to try and build a
fire in the office.
weather here has been very changeable of late.
We had some very cold weather here, in fact it froze ice and did not
warm up the next two days. I wore my
sweater both days around the office. Now
this evening it looks very much like rain and very likely will be tomorrow
your letter of the 6th today and I really like the “Blue Hour”
perfume scent. Mrs. Tedesco had some
which was called “Blue Carnation”. Someday I will get a small bottle of it for
you. It is very nice.
did Marshall mention his forthcoming
marriage to you in his letter? I received a letter from him a couple days after
my last letter to you was posted. It
really took me by surprise, and especially him.
From what I gather she is from Utah and he hopes to have her out on the
coast before long. Well, how time does
fly, and things happen!
cymbidium you speak of “Trexie” is
supposed to be pink and a rather rare variety.
the 5th Auxiliary Surgical Group is falling to pieces by slow degrees. We just had ten officers (of our 29) taken
away from us, and the Col. Still sits there and thinks he is all ready to go,
what a laugh.
I have done all day is work on charts of one kind or another and how I get
tired of them as well as have the arm ache after writing so much.
a letter from Lottie today in answer
to my New Year’s card.
those drain tubes you speak of being used in Ed Smith are really a mess, there
is always something happening to them.
We even had a couple drain tubes in a couple of the dogs here. I never had the occasion to help Maj Skinner since something has always
come up to prevent him from coming down.
the last pictures were taken on Kupfer’s
camera. He has a German made Zeiss which is very good as far as
cameras go.
think they are getting ready for the big push since the units are leaving the
country by the dozens. That was where
the officers were going that left here, to fill up units where they are needed
guess Muriel can give my address to her sailor friend if she wishes to, it may
be interesting.
my bed time is very near so I shall close for now and more tomorrow morning. Good night.
13, 44
eventually I will get this letter done and on its way. It rained all night and then froze this
morning and everything is frozen stiff.
Right now outside it is snowing very nicely and everything has a very
thin coating of white over it. I can
look out thru the crack and see it beginning to fall a little heavier.
a letter from Miss Mosher today and
her family has been having quite a bit of sickness, flu etc.
went to church last evening with one of the boys here who belongs to the “First
Free Methodist” church and listened to a sermon by a pastor who has been all
over the world, and his home is Los Angeles.
He had snow white hair and goatee which made him look very distinguished.
spent all day yesterday, moving, taking out and bringing in of furniture for
the office here.
another break of going over and tangling with one of the Jew Lts. Up on the
Post. I will go one with this. Why they
have those kikes around is more than I know.
This one has been a 2nd Lt ever since I have been here and
from the way people here speak of him he will be one for some time yet to come.
am very glad to hear that the cymbidiums are beginning to show signs of life
and really amount to something.
just finished running thru a letter for the construction of a gate to keep the
animals we have around here from bothering our neighbors in their
classroom. Sgt Ryan has asked for it several times and the 1st Sgt
seems not to take heed so I write out a letter and take it to the major in
Headquarters and we will see the 1st Sgt then. The signature will go over them all. I get tired in a way of all these things
having to be done over other people’s heads, but that is the only way sometimes
and I can get them done quite easily that way.

balance of this letter has been written on company time, but I have put in so
much time over time for them that it does not make much difference.
now, I remain as always your loving son,
Additional sheet of paper as a “PS”
the letter from Lottie C, the other
day which I never expected to receive since I only sent a New Year’s card with
my name.
she writes a lot like Florence
(does) with all the “Dear Mom” and “Dear Mother Gertrude” etc. She seems quite pleased that Virgil[1]
was able to be there with you folks for Christmas, and as always she wants me
to write.
you tell Muriel that the word “powder” is not spelled “power”? Her last letter was a fright as far as
spelling etc go. And all she talks about
is this boy or the other.
is coming of her and Frances and a few others like them?
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