Stanley W Safford 39539976
Auxiliary Surgical Group
Sam Houston
5, 1943
have failed so far this week in getting a letter off to you. I started one three days ago but it is not
quite the letter I would like to write today.
your very beautiful Birthday cards and also unwrapped the box which you sent me
this morning and I want to thank you so very much for the very nice tie and the
fruit cake and candy which I am sure will be good. Also received a card from Kathleen and Ann also one from Joe. In all I am quite happy for all of it and only
one thing would make it more complete.
And that would be, being home again with you.
Monday evening I was Sergeant of the guard and Tuesday evening work for Lt Redline and Wednesday Major Kuhns asked me to help him on a
chart which I ended up by doing all myself ha! Ha! They are all that way. You work for them instead of with them.

a few days ago I saw the picture, “His
Butler’s Sister” with Deanna
Durtin. I thought she could have
done better but it was very good otherwise with the same old story of a star
being made etc.
suppose that when you receive this letter you will have received the card which
I mailed when I was down in Mexico last weekend. We really had a very enjoyable time. Mrs.
Tedesco and the wife of another soldier friend of mine who was sent to
Mississippi a short time ago, so therefore could not go and then another friend
of ours had planned on going but could not since he was given guard duty at the
last moment. One of the first things which
we done was to go eat and I had a wonderful steak and Mrs. Tedesco had some
every good Backed Cabrito[1]
(goring goat). After dinner we went on a
shopping tour and we found things to be much cheaper than they are here in San
Antonio. I brought several every nice
things and among them a very beautiful fuchsia colored vase. I will send it home soon. The pesos are quite the thing and they will
even tear one of them in half to give a person the right change they seem to
have no regard for their money. They
really have some things down there and of course a lot of them are just for the
tourist trade. They must really be
making the money down there off the soldiers etc.
to the subject of money again. You should
not have sent me any since I really am not in great need of it, and I want to
thank you so very much.
Nelson’s letter he mentioned his
brother getting another award and I was looking at the new awards that came out
in the War Department list of awards and there were two Thompsons. We get those
lists practically every week and they are always left in the “In” box on my
desk and have to b pawed through for the more important things. They would be lost if the paper supply was to
stop and all these publications were to cease.
The paper they use is tremendous.
Tedesco is leaving the Post Dec 10 and will give up her quarters here at that
time. One of the most prominent reasons
are that she will want to have a home for their daughter, and get her away from
her parents who sometimes have different ideas about the raising of a
child. She has never told me much but
from what I gather she does not get along too well with her father at times.
saw a very good show today at the Post Theater.
It has been raining so decided not to go too far. The picture is the new pro Russian, “North Star”, Ann Harding, Walter Huston
were in it. Altho it showed a lot of
German atrocities etc it had some good acting.
Before the show we went to the post chapel for the Sunday afternoon
organ and guest recitals. Do you
remember me mentioning a very good violinist whom I met at Mrs. Tedesco’s. Well he was one of the guest artists and as
always he was good. Also there was a
Warrant Office baritone there who was very good. And as always the organ music was very
good. In all I have had a very enjoyable
other day we had three more nurses added to our organization and that now makes
a grand total of four out of the seventy which we are going to need. And we have 28 of the 132 officers which we
need. We at one time had 32 but they
took some away from us. Did the Colonel’s
jaw fall then, he was all set up to go somewhere.
he and the rest of the dopes around here give me a laugh.
the evening is just about gone so I will think of closing now and going to
Thanking you for all you have
done for me I close with all my love.
Your son,
Ingredients: 4 to 5 pound leg of kid*
(young goat)
cloves garlic
1 tablespoon chili powder
Salt and pepper to taste
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 1/2 cup fresh orange juice
1/2 cup dry white wine
Directions: Make a number
of incisions over the meat and insert the cloves of garlic. Rub the outside
well with chili powder, salt and pepper. Heat the in a large skillet and
quickly brown the meat on all sides. Transfer to a shallow roasting pan and
roast, uncovered, in a preheated 325F oven for 35 minutes per pound. Mix the
orange juice with the wine, basting the roast occasionally during cooking.
Yield 6 servings.
*Can be purchased at
your local Mexican market.
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