Saturday, January 7, 2012

April 5, 43

PFC Stanley Safford
Co “B” Med Serv Sch
Barracks No 3
Ft Sam Houston

April 5, 43
My dear Mother
Here I am again going to get started any way on a letter to you and I also will enclose some of the latest pictures of myself.  I suppose you are going to begin to think I have become very vain about myself and going perhaps a little off my ?mit? on getting pictures of myself but I am not as yet satisfied with any of them, and also these were taken on a roll of Gaevert[1] film that I had to take in place of Eastman and to my opinion it is not as good a film as the other so I asked where I take my pictures and she said that it wasn’t as good which would verify my belief.  Let me know what you think of them.  I should have some good ones on the roll that we took at the lake with Mrs. Tedesco and the others. We took quite a few.
I have taken to wearing a gown all day in the practice ward now and I find it much more comfortable than these awful wool shirts and I also look much nicer I think and it certainly saves on the cleaning bills on those wool clothes which will add up in time, believe me.
And while I am on the subject of pictures I want you to take some late ones of yourself and dad and send them to me.

April 6, 1943
I did not make much of a start on my letter last evening but will try vainly to get it finished this evening if possible.  I had quite a day today and it ended up rather badly. We have them quite often and very likely will as long as one of those Georgian louts remains there. Or again quite often as long as I remain there and I often wonder how long they have planned on me being there.  In one way I would like very much sometimes to get out of here as soon as possible and away from all their petty way of doing things at that school and get away from a place where they have so many of these drunk lazy Texans etc. have such a foothold.
The last few days we have had some very ideal Spring weather, nice and warm with coal breezy evenings and the trees and shrubs are just now really beginning to come out.  The Cercis Canadensis (Red Bud) one of my favorites are beginning to come out in an abundance of gorgeous soft pink blooms and the Texas blue bonnets are out now and quite a few other small but beautiful wild flowers are blooming along the small stream that lays to the East of the barracks.  I look out the windows of the classroom every day now and see the rays of the morning sun shining down upon the lush new green foliage on the mesquite trees and what few others we have around here.  But even they are quite nice and the magnolias shall be quite nice a little later.  They really have quite a display of ranunculus here and I can now see why we used to sell so many of them by mail order to here in Texas, they sure do nice.  While out riding a week ago Sunday I saw at one of the larger high schools here an exceptionally long and a very wide hedge of azaleas and they were in full bloom just covered with soft pink blossoms.
Perhaps as you say it will be the best for Muriel and Nelson to be apart for a while and perhaps they shall see the light.  Have you heard any repercussions of my letter as yet or has she said.
And as for your mentioning him being trained for one thing and then they transfer him again., well it is an old story to me for I have heard lots of that before.  I get sick and disgusted with the whole mess sometime and to see the way things are run.  They are so used to running things the pre-war way of having to do things the long way to find work for the surplus men that they just can’t get away from it now.
A person has to wade neck high in red tape to get just the smallest of things.
And you mentioning Jews.  I am sick of them.  They seem to be about the only ones that get in and out of OCS very easily and they are a pain in the neck in the classes that we have, of course they always know it all. And does Miss Thompson have it in for them.
Maybe you will get the chance of making my suit once into something for yourself if I can not get into it.
You mentioning shoes reminds me to ask you to send me my pair of slippers for I need something if that type also.  I am hunting for something to wear while with the classes. My dress shows are heavy. GIs are not suitable.
My wrist watch is now in very good condition and I was sure lost the couple days.  It is certainly funny that the hens do not lay more than they do.
The librarian’s party was sure a lot of fun and we certainly had a good time. Her husband is a 1st Lt in the Chemical Warfare division at Ft Worth and her husband is a retired Col. of the Med. Corp.  She lives on the post because she in her position here is able to.  The house is over on the other side of the post among the officers.  She is going to have another one next Monday as a farewell party for one if the boys who is a very talented pianist.  I was invited to a party last Saturday at one of her friend’s houses but did not go.  Too much crowd in and out etc. I shall have to write a nice note to her tho.
You closing your last letter saying you wondering what I would be doing from now on. I do think that if I put up with enough and pull proper strings that I could stay here if I wanted to bad enough.
But there is so much jealousy around here.  In fact the other day one individual told me to be careful to not step on someone else’s toes.  And my answer was unless some one did once in a while they never would get anything done.  I personally don’t care. They will become your enemies if you get anywhere any way.  I am nice to those whom will do me some good and the rest may all jump in the lake and like it.  That is the only way to get anywhere in this army.  I am beginning to firmly believe. Because they sure won’t think of you.
How is R R coming along with the draft board of late. And how did he come out on his car. Or have you hear or seen much of them of late.  The answer I received from them was a letter that Myrtle had written.  I guess she does all the writing that is done in their house.
While I am thinking of it, will you send me some more of this type of stationary and envelopes. I am running rather short of this type. Also some of the envelopes of the paper that Miss Mosher gave me and also could you send me the Technicolor film picture that I took at Exposition Park and not that I want you to send them but did I ever take any of the front of the nursery?  But you may send them that were taken at Huntington Estate if you can find them.  I would like to show them to a couple of people here.
I am enclosing a picture of a model which was made of the school which you may be interested in, with notations added.  It will give you an idea of what our Service School is like.
Anyway a fairly good idea.
Have not as yet heard from the Matsons but they are very likely both busy as so many are, including yourself.  So therefore don’t have time and I well understand.  I will close now, hoping this finds you well, happy and free from worry.  Good night.
Your son.

[1] Correct spelling in GEVAERT.  25' Gevaert Positive safety film, double 8mm - Place Made:  Antwerp, Antwerpen, Flanders, Belgium - Date Made:  1932-1942
There are several beautiful Gevaert memorabilia items found on Ebay where I found a picture of the roll of film above -

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