Thursday, January 26, 2012

July 4, 1943

Cpl Stanley W Safford
5th Auxiliary Surgical Group
Dodd Field
Ft Sam Houston

July 4, 1943

My dear Mother:

Here I am once again on this none too wonderful job of CQ and I have accomplished quite a bit in the way of letter writing today four in all.  The main purpose of my writing now is to ask you if you will send me forty dollars ($40.00) of my money so that I will be able to come home and return back again without too much difficulty.  You may send it Postal Money order if you wish.  I am intending one buying my ticket the last of the week and getting everything else in readiness before leaving.  As far as I know now it will be the 2am train that I will catch here in San Antonio. There are two others who are going on to San Francisco that are planning on going with me.
While I think of it I want you forgot his birthday until last night when.  I was going to bed.  Can you think of anything that I may bring him.  I received your letter today which I think is the first letter that I have ever received on a Sunday here.
I have been so busy this last week with the changing in officers etc over me that I have had very little time to write or do much else and have had a time trying to keep enough clean suntans because the weather has been so hot an(d) sultry that my shirts become soaked with sweat and then they don’t dry out and it that way time after time and up go the cleaning bills higher and  higher, something is going to have to be done about it before long or I will be spending more than I make or shall I say get, then there is the old story of donations of about a dollar a month or more here and there and it is usually something that I never get any use of good from.
One thing they did to help me was to give me a clerk to help out in my office which will be of quite a bit of use towards helping out with the work that has been piling up neck high the last few days.
As to the exact time of my leaving here it will either be midnight of the fourteenth of the fifteenth and will get in the evening of the second day that is into LA.
I was once with John Langstadt and one of the WAAC’s the other evening to Mrs. Tedesco to hear one of her new record albums that was certainly very good and it seems so nice to go into someone’s house for a change and to hear some good music.
How big are the frogs that you speak of.
Yes I can well imagine what a position Esther is in and she has my sympathy.
You know that it has been rather difficult to write too very much lately because of the idea of future furlough and of the fact that I have gone nowhere or done anything of importance. And then not having the time also is a factor so you have very likely not been getting very much from my letters.
I am going to try and get a pair of shoes before coming home.  The other ones have been none too satisfactory since paying $2.00 to have them fired.  Had better close now and get some sleep.  Will keep you posted as to what happens Sunday this Air Mail so as to have money in time.

Lots of love,

Your son,

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