Cpl Stanley W Safford
5th Auxiliary
Surgical Group
Dodd Field
Ft Sam Houston
July 9, 1943
My dear Mother
It pains me quite a bit to
have to write you this letter this evening for it will bring you some news
which you very likely will not enjoy very much.
The sad news is that my furlough has been postponed until at least August
15 when this thirteen weeks training program is over. They have found more excuses and stories of indispensability
and all the other things in the book.
Also the fact that I am a non com and that I should be here to wind up
the program.
Of course there may be a
chance that I may be able to get out of going on the bivouac by taking my leave
then also there may be another rating for myself to wear home.
But I am quite sure that I
would just as soon come home now as then, but again a month is not too far off,
so it will not be such a long wait if the time goes as fast as it has since the
first of the month. I have never been
busier in my whole life and I never seem to get done and then I am trying to
study for my OCS examination. This new
major has certainly got some screwy ideas and is so particular about things and
we are making out more forms and more charts than I have ever seen before.
And as one of the lieutenant
said this morning: “More work for you”.
He does not have much use for the major and a few others don’t either. They all of them, that is the big shots here,
are all crazy. The more impractical, the
What do you want me to do
with the money order? If you do not
object I think that I will keep it and use it if I need it when I do come
home. I have thought some of starting an
account here of some kind to put the bulk of my money in and then I will not b
so tempted to spend it.
My leave when I do get it,
will be fifteen days, which should allow me quite a bit of time at home and
believe me I am going to spend a good big percentage of it at home and not all
of it out gadding around because I can do that here where I don’t get any home
life. I can’t see any sense in going
home to gad around.
Will you call or drop Joseph
a line about my change in plans and anyone else that may be interested.
I received a very nice long
letter from Mrs. Matson today along with yours.
You may also call Miss Mosher
and tell her of my change in plans.
I was quite surprised to hear
of Leland and Marie’s child arriving so soon.
I therefore am no longer the only male heir in this end of the family. What I am heir to I don’t know tho.
Well I had better begin
thinking of going to bed because it is getting late and tomorrow is another day
and inspection.
Now, please don’t feel bad or
very because a month or five weeks is not so terribly far off and the time will
be here before we realize it.
I shall write you a letter
tomorrow and try and answer last few letters.
Good night, with lots of love, and help me hope the time flies between
now and then.
Your son, sending you his
Note from Stanley’s Mom,

The family tree where I found this picture is found at http://trees.ancestry.com/tree/21888215/person/1178463617?ssrc=
[1] Los
Angeles, CA
Note: for more information on the Army Service Forces insignia, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Army_Service_Forces
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