Tuesday, February 28, 2012

May 13, 1945 - Germany

Sgt. Stanley W Safford 39539976
5th Auxiliary Surgical Group
APO 339
c/o Post Master
New York  New York
Germany  11
May 13, 1945

Dearest Mother:

After a very hot day, which I am told is very rare here I will write you a few lines to let you know I am still in circulation.
I have spent the day making rounds with the major on an inspection tour of former German hospitals in the surrounding territory.
Our team is no longer in existence.  The nurse has been returned to headquarters and the other technician is with the other officer.  In other words we are all over.  We arrived here yesterday from our last station much nearer the former front that here.  We came thru headquarters for lunch and then on back over the famous “Reichsautobahn” highway and had a much better chance of seeing some of the country than we had on our way up.  The country is now in its full Spring beauty and I imagine it is at its best.
The highway I speak of is four lanes, two each way with parkway dividing them and now crossroads.  All incoming road are either underpasses or over passes.
The 5th Aux. Status is as yet as far as I know a deep secret which no one has as yet answered for us.  I am just as happy in my present place as I could be anywhere else, especially at headquarters which I want no part of at present or any time in the future as has been mentioned.  I am the only 5th Aux enlisted man here and I am left entirely alone, so in the future I am going to get some writing done in my spare time instead of sitting around talking with others as previously done.
The gardens here are certainly very pretty. Found a lilac bush the other day with each individual flower in the spray about as large as a violet and in the same dolor.  That  was the first time I have ever seen like that.  Outside there is a beautiful blood red peony in full bloom which I had a desire to pick but it is much too pretty for that.
I have not received any mail from you for 8 to 10 days, but eventually it will come thru, I am sure.

3 hours later
After a long walk in the park I will finish my letter.  Noticed in the woods a lot of “Jack in the Pulpit” plants and along the path in one place a lot of “Lilly of the Valley”.  The stream is alive with fish after the mosquitoes.
Sgt Ryan is near here somewhere but I know just not where.  Strange to be so far from the others.
Well about all for now and more later when I have the time and more to write off.
As always,


We had a lot of released Air Corps prisoners at our last station and from them I understand they only had two Air Corps enclosures one in Pomerania and the other in Austria where Richard Miner perhaps was.  They are certainly being well take care of and are being flown out.

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