Tuesday, February 21, 2012

January 2, 1994(*) - Holland

Sgt. Stanley W Safford 39539976
5th Auxiliary Surgical Group
APO 339
c/o Post Master
New York  New York

January 2, 1944[1]

Dearest Mother:

Started a letter to you last evening but decided to start over again this morning and make a better start.  Should have gotten one off a few days ago but you know me and how I can always find things to amuse myself or something else n the way of entertainment with someone.
Very glad to hear from you in your letter of Dec 9 which I received the day before yesterday.  Your letter was the first since yours received Christmas Eve, otherwise I have had none.
Received nice boxes from both Mrs. Kinsfather and Dorothy containing fruit cake, dried  fruit and olives.  Will answer for them this afternoon.
Quite glad to hear of you receiving the box containing trunks, card and books.
After today there will be another box on the way to you containing some very clear but pretty glasses.  They are not crystal but I rather like them.  Some will be for you and you can save the others for me.
I understand here that the bonds and the allotment will be straightened out in time.  They started a new system on Sept 1st of some kind with the bonds.
As to you needing the money tho.  I want you to have all that you need in the way of cash.  You can forget the bond entirely even tho the $50 allotment does come.  I want you to use what cash you will require from my bank account also.
I would much rather see you pay a little more and really get something nice.  I hope to spend a few years there after my return home so pick something nice and a nice room or rooms for me even tho they are in the attic and a good view over a garden to be.  Of course your choice at this time will be limited.  Remember you have free use of my money!
I have just now received your letter of Dec 21 and was quite surprised to receive anything so recent.  In this one you mention buying a bond with previous allotment checks.  Of course you are supposed to received the increased allotment for Nov & Dec for that purpose, so unless you need the money you can buy one each month or any other way you desire so as to equal that account.
Received also your air mail stamps in both above mentioned letters.  They come in handy.
I managed to retrieve two cans of popcorn the other day so am that much back.
Was very sorry to hear of Jay having to have his leg amputated and I will have to write him very soon and a letter sooner hereafter.  I have not as yet received a letter telling me of him going to the hospital.  Of course these cases here of later have never struck me as before since I help with amputations often.
I have not received any of your letters unsealed as yet, perhaps they have sealed it prior to sending it on.
Your clipping of the surgical operation was very interesting, but Col MacIntyre has had cases just as difficult and has performed them very likely just as well.  Of course, it makes a good story.
Yes! You will look rather strange to me in or with glasses but if you need them you certainly should use them.  What type of rims are you getting?
Well the time goes by and I will have to close now and get on with other things.
Hoping this find you all well and that this reaches you sooner than usual I remain as always.

Your Loving Son,

[1] typo

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