March 5, 1943
Dear Mother:
Well I think Spring has been stalled off for a while because the cold weather we had has turned all the fresh little green leaves black and the trees are not too wonderful a sight, and it looked so very nice ans spring like from my barracks window. And the little pasture down below in the valley looks so nice and green and one of these days I shall take a nice little walk following the little stream down to where it joins a larger stream and perhaps spend a very enjoyable afternoon or some morning. This morning when I went out it was practically ready to rain but it cleared off and turned very warm this afternoon.
We have done nothing this week in the practice ward but my classes will begin Monday and from what I hear they are a regular bunch of hoodlums but in the army when a person is given authority he can exercise it very freely if he sees it necessary. I have had a chance to read a book since the first of the week, "Fabulous New Orleans" and it was quite interesting.
I sent one roll of films to the photographer store and had them developed and they turned out quite well and I am rather anxious to see the ones that come out of the roll you have there is one or two on that roll that were taken of me at Camp Barkeley. I am rather curious to hear how they have come out and there are some taken at the Alamo that should be very nice and I am going to take more of them at the Governor's Palace, the River, the Missions and the many other beautiful places here.
I received a letter from Muriel today and she answered my questions quite well regarding Nelson. I will send you the letter and perhaps you may be able to read it providing you are able to make out the misspelled words etc and read the handwriting. She should surely improve her hand writing and become more of a grown woman than a child.
March 7, 1943
Well here it is Sunday morning and I am here in the service club, writing at one of the tables on the balcony. There is a very beautiful dance floor below and a large stage at one end and on both sides there are two balcony like affairs and there are metal t
ables and chairs along it. When I started this letter they were having a performance down below. The celebrated Don Cossack chorus was performing and they were very good, that is one of the reasons I failed to finish this letter. So I am going to send this by air mail and you will get it sooner.
Last evening the wind was still blowing and was quite cold so when I went into town to meet Ray Coates I took along my overcoat and it surely came in handy. I sure enjoyed being able to see him and we had a very good time. We had dinner and walked and around town for awhile and visited a very nice Mexican shop and while there I sent Mr. and Mrs. Watson a fairly nice inexpensive hand painted Mexican milk pitcher which she can use for a flower vase. I hope she likes it because she is rather funny about the things she likes. One of these days I would like very much to (?) goredown and go across the border into Mexico and then I could get some fairly nice things much more inexpensive although most of the Mexican things I do not like. Of course there are a few that are very nice. Ray and I are planning on seeing each other again in two weeks.
You mentioning a William Tate. The name sounds familiar but I do not remember him. I have made an impression on a lot of people who remember me but I do not remember them.
T received a letter from Joe and your letter yesterday. Joe's letters as usual are always quite interesting. You mentioning me not answering your questions well quite often I do not bring over your old letters when I write so then I often try and answer them all in one letter so after your reading this letter if there are any unanswered one's you ask me again and I will be sure and answer them.
I wonder what Grandpa will think of the brat? He will very likely be overjoyed since his other grandchildren have failed to notice him very much.
Did you notice on the bottom of the Income Tax form I filled out regarding the exemption of my army pay?
I wrote a letter to Jay sometime ago but he has not answered it as yet and as long as he doesn't I will not have to answer again.
You asking if I had heard from any of the boys. Well I hear from Bob Eyman, whom I owe a letter too. But Herbert S and Charles W both owe me letters from what I hear he is not doing too well in the Navy and Charles is still down. Herbert has spent about half his time in the hospital, because of a fall he made and then no sooner got up then he fell again on some old obstacle course of some kind then he took some kind of shots which count bad for him... They in the army here had some trouble of some of the shots. They were giving the person the disease.
I am very well convinced that some of the doctors I have seen around here don't know everything. They can do quite a lot of experimentation in the army.
You wondering what I would think of being here for the duration, well the more I think of it the more I am convinced that I would not be too fond of the place here. They are very slow when it comes to handing out ratings and in all fairness I should be a corporal now but as long as I remain here unassigned and unattached I will be a PFC because they do not have the power here to grant it to me and that would be their excuse if they are asked.
You are right about a 2nd Lt getting $150.00. I don't know where I got the idea.
I am almost to the conclusion that I am going to turn down the Nursing course so there is one other thing left and I am going to see about applying for that next week and see what comes of it. It takes quite a bit of red tape.
I received a letter from Whitney the other day and they have given them something almost like Barkeley. So he is not ahead any by even coming here. And Ray was up in arms about the Medical Corp around here being hard to get anything out of them. after seeing the way the Hospital here is run I am beginning to wonder if I want any part of the Medic's around here. A person is able to get good ratings etc in the newer posts. I understand they are making one of some kind at Santa Anita.
I am looking forward very much towards getting the peanut butter cookies.
I am very glad you liked the grapefruit. Were they pink enough for you or had you expected different?
You speaking of me going elsewhere: they could send me anywhere in the South and not hurt my feeling too much, New Orleans or something. Conditions are terrible in Florida, poor food etc.
Find out from Mrs Barron what the Matsons think of the vase.
Yes the epidemics will be around with so many doctors in the army. Most of the contagious disease cases go to the old hospital.
After the danger of the frost is over you can if you want to cut the entire bunch of gerberas back and then feeding them good with rabbit manure and you find they will do much better if they are forced to go dormant for awhile. Has the cymbidium bloomed as yet?
You are sure getting a lot of rain, more than usual isn't it? Joe speaks of it in his letter also.
You asking about washing: I send all of it to the laundry except my good socks and good handkerchiefs. The laundry soon ruins them for a person. The same as they do everything else they wash.
That was surely an interesting clipping you sent last time.
Surprising some of the old things like that. That are still being carried on as yet after so many years.
One of these days I am going to go out and see at least one of the missions. I then can say that I have seen about all the important things around San Antonio.
Some of the new boys are coming in today and their class will start around the tenth. And when they start the system of the study after hours for the dumb ones I shall also get my finger in keeping them a night or so as their guardian which will include marching them once, keeping them 2 hours and then marching them back.
Is business still holding up at the garage and how is the desert coming along? Did you get more gasoline for the truck if so how much does that entitle you to?
I had better begin thinking of closing now for it is getting late and I will go to bed a little earlier today than usual for I may need the sleep about tomorrow this time.
How is your arm coming?
What have you done regarding seeing another doctor, Don't put it off. And be sure and take good care of yourself and don't let yourself become sick.
Give my regards to the rest of family. Good night
Your son, Stanley
We have done nothing this week in the practice ward but my classes will begin Monday and from what I hear they are a regular bunch of hoodlums but in the army when a person is given authority he can exercise it very freely if he sees it necessary. I have had a chance to read a book since the first of the week, "Fabulous New Orleans" and it was quite interesting.
I sent one roll of films to the photographer store and had them developed and they turned out quite well and I am rather anxious to see the ones that come out of the roll you have there is one or two on that roll that were taken of me at Camp Barkeley. I am rather curious to hear how they have come out and there are some taken at the Alamo that should be very nice and I am going to take more of them at the Governor's Palace, the River, the Missions and the many other beautiful places here.
I received a letter from Muriel today and she answered my questions quite well regarding Nelson. I will send you the letter and perhaps you may be able to read it providing you are able to make out the misspelled words etc and read the handwriting. She should surely improve her hand writing and become more of a grown woman than a child.
March 7, 1943
Well here it is Sunday morning and I am here in the service club, writing at one of the tables on the balcony. There is a very beautiful dance floor below and a large stage at one end and on both sides there are two balcony like affairs and there are metal t

Last evening the wind was still blowing and was quite cold so when I went into town to meet Ray Coates I took along my overcoat and it surely came in handy. I sure enjoyed being able to see him and we had a very good time. We had dinner and walked and around town for awhile and visited a very nice Mexican shop and while there I sent Mr. and Mrs. Watson a fairly nice inexpensive hand painted Mexican milk pitcher which she can use for a flower vase. I hope she likes it because she is rather funny about the things she likes. One of these days I would like very much to (?) goredown and go across the border into Mexico and then I could get some fairly nice things much more inexpensive although most of the Mexican things I do not like. Of course there are a few that are very nice. Ray and I are planning on seeing each other again in two weeks.
You mentioning a William Tate. The name sounds familiar but I do not remember him. I have made an impression on a lot of people who remember me but I do not remember them.
T received a letter from Joe and your letter yesterday. Joe's letters as usual are always quite interesting. You mentioning me not answering your questions well quite often I do not bring over your old letters when I write so then I often try and answer them all in one letter so after your reading this letter if there are any unanswered one's you ask me again and I will be sure and answer them.
I wonder what Grandpa will think of the brat? He will very likely be overjoyed since his other grandchildren have failed to notice him very much.
Did you notice on the bottom of the Income Tax form I filled out regarding the exemption of my army pay?
I wrote a letter to Jay sometime ago but he has not answered it as yet and as long as he doesn't I will not have to answer again.
You asking if I had heard from any of the boys. Well I hear from Bob Eyman, whom I owe a letter too. But Herbert S and Charles W both owe me letters from what I hear he is not doing too well in the Navy and Charles is still down. Herbert has spent about half his time in the hospital, because of a fall he made and then no sooner got up then he fell again on some old obstacle course of some kind then he took some kind of shots which count bad for him... They in the army here had some trouble of some of the shots. They were giving the person the disease.
I am very well convinced that some of the doctors I have seen around here don't know everything. They can do quite a lot of experimentation in the army.
You wondering what I would think of being here for the duration, well the more I think of it the more I am convinced that I would not be too fond of the place here. They are very slow when it comes to handing out ratings and in all fairness I should be a corporal now but as long as I remain here unassigned and unattached I will be a PFC because they do not have the power here to grant it to me and that would be their excuse if they are asked.
You are right about a 2nd Lt getting $150.00. I don't know where I got the idea.
I am almost to the conclusion that I am going to turn down the Nursing course so there is one other thing left and I am going to see about applying for that next week and see what comes of it. It takes quite a bit of red tape.
I received a letter from Whitney the other day and they have given them something almost like Barkeley. So he is not ahead any by even coming here. And Ray was up in arms about the Medical Corp around here being hard to get anything out of them. after seeing the way the Hospital here is run I am beginning to wonder if I want any part of the Medic's around here. A person is able to get good ratings etc in the newer posts. I understand they are making one of some kind at Santa Anita.
I am looking forward very much towards getting the peanut butter cookies.
I am very glad you liked the grapefruit. Were they pink enough for you or had you expected different?
You speaking of me going elsewhere: they could send me anywhere in the South and not hurt my feeling too much, New Orleans or something. Conditions are terrible in Florida, poor food etc.
Find out from Mrs Barron what the Matsons think of the vase.
Yes the epidemics will be around with so many doctors in the army. Most of the contagious disease cases go to the old hospital.
After the danger of the frost is over you can if you want to cut the entire bunch of gerberas back and then feeding them good with rabbit manure and you find they will do much better if they are forced to go dormant for awhile. Has the cymbidium bloomed as yet?
You are sure getting a lot of rain, more than usual isn't it? Joe speaks of it in his letter also.
You asking about washing: I send all of it to the laundry except my good socks and good handkerchiefs. The laundry soon ruins them for a person. The same as they do everything else they wash.
That was surely an interesting clipping you sent last time.
Surprising some of the old things like that. That are still being carried on as yet after so many years.
One of these days I am going to go out and see at least one of the missions. I then can say that I have seen about all the important things around San Antonio.
Some of the new boys are coming in today and their class will start around the tenth. And when they start the system of the study after hours for the dumb ones I shall also get my finger in keeping them a night or so as their guardian which will include marching them once, keeping them 2 hours and then marching them back.
Is business still holding up at the garage and how is the desert coming along? Did you get more gasoline for the truck if so how much does that entitle you to?
I had better begin thinking of closing now for it is getting late and I will go to bed a little earlier today than usual for I may need the sleep about tomorrow this time.
How is your arm coming?
What have you done regarding seeing another doctor, Don't put it off. And be sure and take good care of yourself and don't let yourself become sick.
Give my regards to the rest of family. Good night
Your son, Stanley
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