Medical Corps
Camp Barkeley, Texas
December 26, 1942
Dear Folks:
Well here I am on the day after Christmas and quite an enjoyable one it was for me and quite a few very nice gifts and very pretty cards, which was quite a surprise for me considering the conditions.
First of all was the lovely gifts from you, but you should not have gone to the trouble and expense because you have already done so much for me. And I suppose you are wondering where my gratitude is with not even as much as a card from me, but as I said before, I could not get into town to find any. I did have one of the boys here who goes into town quite often to see his wife get me some in a box they were fair but not very presentable and sent them as far as they would go thru I knew I could and would be able to go into town the 24th so would then mail you a telegram but they have stopped all messages of greeting on the 23. So I was out of luck there also, had intended one also for Paul and Thelma Chapin, so you can tell her the circumstances and I will write her a letter of thanks very soon.
The camera is just what I wanted and was overly pleased with it, the candy is delicious and I am going quite easy on it and for myself only. I also enjoy the nuts very much and Muriel’s sewing kit will come in very handy as yet have not had much of that type of things to do. The clothes are all new so they do not need very much mending as yet. I have not as yet tried the camera but will tomorrow and will probably go over to see Fred K and take a couple of him. He was over to see me yesterday in fact he was here when I got your two letters and I told him about writing the letters you mentioned Harry asking him to write. He is having quite a good time and seems to be enjoying it and spoke of getting a drink from one of the Sgts so I think he will get along alright.
Mr. and Mrs. Matson sent me a wonderful tin box of salted nuts of five kinds (Brazil, Almond, Pecan, Filbert and cashews) It has been worth something and was very kind of them to send it.
Miss Mosher sent me a little leather case with comb and fingernail file quite nice as well as handy.
And Jay sent me two one dollar bills which he should not have done and I am going to write him immediately after writing this so as not to offend him, which would be the last thing I would want to do, or would never hear the last of it.
Maibelle and Ed sent me a very nice set of Coty’s Shaving cream and powder with wash cloth accompanying it which in all was very nice. I may send part or all of it home expect the cloth home.
Have not received the package from Nina and Bill as yet Jay mentions a promotion of some kind in his letter or note.
Paul and Thelma sent a very nice package only I wish they had not done so much. It contained some of her toll house cookies which were very good, some gum, tooth powder comb, caramel candies and a couple flashlight batteries for my little flashlight and they were all wrapped individually. In all, it was very lovely.
Then Joseph sent me a very nice atlas and Mrs. Scheltema sent me some fruit cake and some nuts which I have not tasted as yet but they both sure look very good.
My trip into Abilene was not much of a success and I found nothing as a gift for you folks but I am still young to continue trying, the main part of town is about 4 blocks wide and 4 blocks long, from there out the town is still there for quite a distance but nothing to see there and of course there was a nice crowd also but I did have a very good steak dinner, but waited long enough for it so in all came back rather disgusted with the whole works.
Well perhaps I have some very good news maybe. Last Monday they called a list of names at mail call and my name was not on it which was nothing unusual for they quite often call lists of some kind and my name is on very few of them so I went on about my business and went to the barber, but before I got back I was told my name had been called and they had wondered where I had been and when I got back to our hutiment they told me here that is a couple boys here, that my name had been called along with some others who were not there also so there might have been a second list as they quite often have around here to make it more confusing. And I have not been able to get over to Battalion headquarters to make sure of my name on the list as yet.
Well what it is, is a group of boys they pick out for further training as male nurses, X-ray experts, pharmacists and a couple others and they are going to take a three months training period in either Houston, Fort Worth, El Paso or Denver, Colorado. The latter would suit me, and the climax is they are leaving about the first of January which would also suit me and that would in advance of the others. Of course I am not quite sure, but any way I am going to send something home the first part of the week. Among them will be some letters which you can leave unopened and put away for me also there will be a small pin for Muriel and her Christmas present will be later also.
While I am thinking of it, could you get me a leather case for the camera? I do not believe they would cost very much. I think the book with camera lists on it about $2 so if you are downtown and have time will you pick one up for me, for I would hate to drop it while carrying it also it will keep it in better shape. I hope you are keeping track of all these things you are getting for me and also the postage in fact everything because I intend to pay for it.
The glove (extra one) you sent is the wrong one can also too small but thanks for sending it anyway. The note book and paper are very satisfactory. The news paper clippings are very welcome and the comedy are excellent.
I received cards from both Blairs, the Miners and one from Ann - and is their name spelled Reid – and one from one of the customers of the nursery whom I never paid much attention to, in fact never cared for too much, but she is one of the socialites of Hollywood so will have t write a note to her. I had better begin to think of closing for now because it is getting late and will write some more tomorrow morning when I awake. Goodnight.
Sunday AM
The wind blew all night and managed to blow up some clouds as well as make t quite cold this morning and we have both stoves going. The windows all shake which make the entire building shake.
The Christmas dinner was the same as the Thanksgiving dinner except we had fruit cake which was quite strong of whiskey.
But we here did not care for the meal as we did the Thanksgiving meal and it was quite cold also. All the officers and those that are married had their wives there and a few of the boys here who have wives here or other relatives also had them here. Some of the boys wives are staying here and a couple of their mothers are also here. One of the boys wives was already to leave L.A for here when his name was called to leave here next week, so he telegrammed home for her to stay there, he is looking forward to seeing her after getting to the next station.
One of the Sgts who has always put on. he is someone around here and is about 5’6 at most , showed up with his wife an awful looking small red head a little shorter than he all painted up and wearing green shoes and green accessories. We are all getting quite a laugh about it here. Of course some of them here don’t seem to have much else to do but talk about officers etc. but I myself have a lot more to do.
Well it is after lunch. I played cards before lunch which by the way was a pretty good one.
We have just finished having mail call and they called off a list of men to turn in their items which they were issued here but my name was not on it so evidently I am not going with them. I am going over to headquarters to find out about it tomorrow and then I will know for sure maybe.
Your speaking of Christmas cards as you say the one you sent is surely a lovely one. Mr. Ricks sent me a very pretty one but quite large and a display of money.
How did Muriel come out on her P O work?
Probably Don Finleys going will be a great aid to Mrs. Finley for now she may get some rest.
The Seis candy is certainly delicious and I am keeping it also.
I wrote Aunt Ina about a month ago. Have not had an answer as yet so now I know the reason.
The pink grapefruit I spoke of are quite real and they are much sweeter than the other type if grown in a nice warm location.
They raise them down in the Rio Grande valley where citrus fruit does quite well. And I am going to send you some if I have to go after them.
I am glad you liked your birthday present and I am quite sure Aunt Nina has very good taste on such things.
I am very surprised at Clair sending you another pictures of their spoiled beats. Quite a bit of ------
Mr. Ricks was not to pay for the azalea.
The lack of rain there is rather funny but you may get all of it after the first of the year as we have in previous years.
There is planted under the tree some of the small bulbs of narcissus and some anemones. How are the little bulbs coming along in between the house or fence under Muriel’s window or do you remember the little baby narcissus I had there. Sure hope the gopher didn’t get any of my bulbs. Why don’t you plant some sweet peas and have some nice cut flowers.
I had better think of closing before this letter become too bulky and they charge you extra postage or have they already. I hope you can read it because I am writing it on my knees again, for we have no desk or table in these gorgeous hutiments. I might call you some evening so do not be surprised. Good bye for now, dear Mother. I will write more later.
Your son,
Did I send you the reception the insurance and I am enclosing one for the bonds which you can keep for me. Also thanks a lot for the Air Mail letter or envelopes rather.